During this time, our focus as a Northeast Houston cleaning service is on keeping your home clean, safe, sanitized, and healthy for you, your family, and pets.
Providing a healthy and clean living space in your home is our number one priority and always has been.
At Maid Zen, we are committed to ensuring that our cleaning technicians wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as face masks, protective gloves, and shoe protectors during the cleaning process of your home or apartment. Our team members are instructed to focus on areas that are considered “high-touch,” or especially prone to spreading bacteria.
During this time, we’re applying disinfecting spray in those high touch areas, like door handles and light switch plates, to help mitigate the spread of bacteria and illness in your home.
We are delighted to help ensure that your home remains healthy and clean for you and your loved ones.
If you have any questions about our processes, staff, or anything else, get in touch with us today!